Marvel Masterworks: Uncanny X-Men Vol. 17 HC
Marvel Masterworks: Uncanny X-Men Vol. 17 HC Reprints: Uncanny X-Men #244-255, Annual #13, material from Classic X-Men #39 & What The–?!
Read moreMarvel Masterworks: Uncanny X-Men Vol. 17 HC Reprints: Uncanny X-Men #244-255, Annual #13, material from Classic X-Men #39 & What The–?!
Read moreThe ReMasterworks brings Uncanny X-Men Vol. 2 back to print in amazingly restored fashion, with the introduction of the Phoenix, the return of Magneto and first appearances of the Starjammers and Weapon Alpha!
Read moreThe ReMasterworks edition of Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 includes a top-to-bottom restoration of all issues and a ton of bonus contents!
Read moreUncanny X-Men Masterworks continues with a 16th volume that puts the X-Men inside the Inferno!
Read moreMarc Silvestri joins Chris Claremont for the Fall of the Mutants in a blockbuster Uncanny X-Men Masterworks Vol. 15!
Read moreUncanny artist debuts include Alan Davis and Marc Silvestri, with the X-Men facing the Mutant Massacre, the debut of Psylocke, and Wolverine vs. Sabretooth–Round 1!
Read moreMarvel Masterworks: Uncanny X-Men Vol. 13 finds the X-Men at their most popular, and a new character, Longshot, brought to life by a superstar in the making, Arthur Adams!
Read moreThis Uncanny X-Men Masterworks is jam-packed with timeless stories, including the first half of Arthur Adams’ Asgardian Wars, Dave Cockrum’s four-issue Nightcrawler mini, and Barry Windsor-Smith’s gorgeous sequel to Life-Death!
Read moreKitty Pryde and Wolverine! X-Men and Alpha Flight! John Romita Jr. and Paul Smith! Uncanny X-Men Masterworks Vol. 11 has it all for 80s X-Men fans!
Read moreJohn Romita Jr. settles in as regular artist of Uncanny X-Men. Plus, Barry Windsor-Smith’s timeless “Lifedeath” starring Storm and Forge, and the four-issue Illyana origin series, Magik!
Read moreThe second half of Paul Smith’s timeless run on Uncanny X-Men is collected in Masterworks Vol. 9, plus John Romita Jr. makes his debut on the series! Also included: Claremont & Miller’s Wolverine miniseries, plus the evergreen God Loves, Man Kills graphic novel!
Read moreThe Brood Saga reaches its climax, Carol Danvers becomes Binary, and an Annual-size confrontation with Dracula drawn by Bill Sienkiewicz! All this and several X-Men rarities in Uncanny X-Men Masterworks Vol. 8!
Read moreAnother Uncanny X-Men Masterworks chock full of mutant milestones: The first appearance of Rogue, “Kitty’s Fairy Tale”, a showdown with Count Dracula, and the first half of the classic Brood Saga!
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