The Wolfman/Colan/Palmer Saga Continues In Marvel Masterworks: Tomb of Dracula Vol. 5

The creative talents of Marv Wolfman, Gene Colan and Tom Palmer made The Tomb of Dracula the must-read comic of the 1970s. Lushly illustrated, beautifully colored and with taut stories that wove together thrilling action with in-depth character subplots, it was everything you could hope for in a comic book. And in this volume so many strands come together: the Doctor Sun saga concludes, Blade finally wreaks vengeance on the man who killed his mother and a resurrected Count Dracula finds an unholy bride who will bear his child. Dracula also crosses paths with Marvel mainstays, including a crossover where his sinks his teeth into Doctor Strange’s neck and a battle with the cosmic power of the Silver Surfer. The Marvel Masterworks, with their stunning new restoration, make these classics look better than ever.

Marvel Masterworks: Tomb of Dracula Vol. 5 HC will be released in regular and variant editions in October 2025, just in time for Halloween! For a preview page full of cover and interior art samples, click the link below!