In this Marvel Masterworks edition, Captain America encounters two other soldiers from out of time—one from years past and one from our future. Jack Monroe, the troubled 1950s Bucky, seeks out Cap and finds someone who understands his plight and a new role as Nomad. Then, in a DeMatteis/Zeck classic, Deathlok, the reanimated cyborg super-soldier, enlists Cap in his future-war. Also featuring Nick Fury and his Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the final days of a Golden Age icon, a resurgent Secret Empire and revelations about the Cosmic Cube. Finally, the Falcon takes center stage in a miniseries that pits him against a malfunctioning Sentinel, Electro and a street gang that has kidnapped President Ronald Reagan!
Marvel Masterworks: Captain America Vol. 17 HC will see release in July of 2025 in both regular and variant editions. For a preview page full of interior and cover art, click the link below!