Lilith, The Undead Daughter, Makes Her First Appearance In Marvel Masterworks: Tomb of Dracula Vol. 3 HC

They said the devil had a daughter. And that daughter is Lilith. Dracula’s scion is revealed in this historic Masterworks and while she doesn’t get along with dear old undead dad, she still carries in on the bloodsucking family tradition. That means extra trouble for our vampire hunters Rachel Van Helsing, Quincy Harker, Frank Drake Taj Nital and Blade. Speaking of Blade, he goes one-on-one with the Lord of Vampires, who has perhaps found a corner in his dark heart for a human woman. Then, Hannibal King, a private detective with biting secret, enters the stage. Plus: New corners of Dracula’s world are explored in two additional Giant-Size issues and Lilith’s complete solo saga from Marvel’s black-and-white magazines top off this must-have Masterworks

Marvel Masterworks: Tomb of Dracula Vol. 3 HC hits store shelves in October 2023, right on time for Halloween! For a preview page loaded with preview art and book information, click the link below!