Coming in December 2021, another armor-plated helping of early 80s Marvel in Masterworks! The Marvel Masterworks continues the timeless David Michelinie and Bob Layton Iron Man run! Tony Stark recovers from his problems with the bottle by throwing himself into globetrotting business (and pleasure), but his enemies aren’t giving him an edge: The All-Devourer awaits in Hong Kong, the Titanium Man is ready to tango in Times Square and Force makes his brutal debut in the Bahamas! Though sometimes it’s your friends you need to worry about the most: Can Stark beat back a hostile takeover of his company by Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D.? With rich characterizations, a vibrant supporting cast and a steady stream of new armor designs, Michelinie and Layton prove they are just getting started!
Marvel Masterworks: Iron Man Vol. 14 HC hits store shelves on December 15, 2021. For preview images and book information, click on the link below!