Collected Editions

Preview: Timely’s Greatest: The Golden Age Simon & Kirby Omnibus HC

This volume came out last year but it’s Simon and Kirby so it deserves a preview page of its own to go with the other three volumes in the Timely’s Greatest Omnibus series! Marvel proudly presents TIMELY’S GREATEST, a series of once-in-a-lifetime volumes presenting the greatest stories of the Golden Age, when Marvel was known as Timely Comics! Joe Simon and Jack Kirby entered the comic book field separately, and undoubtedly would have made major impacts on their own – but when their talents came together, it wasn’t an impact, it was an earthquake. The Simon & Kirby team immediately became synonymous with innovative storytelling, powerful artwork and hit characters. They would birth some of the 1940s’ most enduring creations, including the embodiment of a nation’s fighting spirit: Captain America! This Omnibus collects Simon & Kirby’s Timely Comics stories and covers, from the Vision to the Fiery Mask – and the rare Red Raven!

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