Website Updates

Hello, collected editions friends! As you may have noticed, things have changed just a wee bit around here. An overhaul of the website has been long overdue, and our new platform is going to be able to allow us to do all the things we used to do with far more efficiency, not to mention a bunch of new things as well! Things are still in transition, but we hope to get everything up to speed as soon as possible.

In the meantime, here’s where we are in terms of content. You can expect regular updates of the following:

• Shipping This Week updates, as we hope you have noticed, have been coming regularly scheduled every week.

• Solicitations for Marvel and DC collected editions have been coming monthly, and as time permits we’ll be building up the archive of old ones. We’ll also be making sure to get collected editions solicits for Dark Horse, Image and IDW up on a more regular basis.

• Tales of Wonder Pre-Order links are coming your way every month as usual! (And thanks once again for supporting this website through purchases made from site sponsors!)

Of course I’m posting all the Masterworks previews and various Omnibus previews as well. Those are all catalogued in the News blogroll, though there will be a permanent home for the Masterworks Library just like folks are accustomed to from the old site. And Dum Dum Dugan is keeping the popular Release Schedule page continually updated as books are announced and moved around the schedule.

All the above links are easy to access using the navigation bar above this post you are reading. Play around with it and it’ll be your pal! 🙂

Lastly, I’ve been updating the Storefront pages to their former glory. It’s been a slow process, but currently I have pages up for the Marvel Masterworks (Regular and Variant), DC Omnibus (Golden/Silver/Bronze Ages), and Marvel Epic Collections (Marvel Universe). Oh, and Adult Coloring Books. You can check them all out at the link in the navigation bar named STOREFRONT. (The layout of that page is still under construction but the links are all live and will be regularly updated and added to.)

Thank you so much for your patience and I hope you enjoy some of the new features that are available to you for sorting and searching for the material you want. Please shoot me an email or post up at the Forum to let me know your thoughts!