Here are some books that were due the last couple of weeks (12/12; 12/19) and their new scheduled ship dates:
Complete Chester Gould’s Dick Tracy Vol. 25 HC (1/2)
Conan Reader TP (1/2)
Seven to Eternity Vol. 3 Rise To Fall TP (2/27)
Will Eisner’s The Spirit: The Corpse Makers HC *signed and remarked editions* (2/6)
A few other shipping updates:
Catwoman by Jim Balent Book Two TP (3/13-3/6)
Daughters of Dragon MPGN TP (2/6-2/13)
How to Paint Characters Marvel Studios Way HC (4/17-5/29)
Jim Lee DC Legends Artifact Edition HC (12/19-1/2)
Unexpected: Call of the Unknown TP (2/6-2/27)
Superman/Batman Vol. 7 TP has been cancelled by DC, and they say it will not be re-solicited.
The new edition of the Shazam! TP (that’s the Johns/Frank material) will now be titled Shazam!: Origins TP.
The DC Essential Edition of Blackest Night Saga TP has been increased to 344 pages, as Green Lantern #43 has been added to the contents.
Based on the updated contents of the new edition of Powers Book Three TP, it looks like the story from Oni Press Color Special 2001 #1 has been removed.