DHere are some books that were due the last couple of weeks (11/28; 12/5) and their new scheduled ship dates:
Babyteeth Vol. 1 HC (12/19)
Jim Lee DC Legends Artifact Edition (12/19)
Nightwing Vol. 1 The Bleeding Edge TP (12/26)
Peanuts Every Sunday Vol. 6 1976-1980 HC (12/19)
Prince Valiant Vol. 4-6 1943-1948 HC Box Set (12/19)
Rick Veitch’s The One HC (1/16)
Wally Wood Christmas Book HC (12/12)
Johnny Hazard Dailies Vol. 7 1954-1956 HC has been cancelled by Hermes Press, likely to be re-solicited.
And hey, speaking of cancellations, DC has been on the warpath lately with their classics trade line. The following have all been cancelled in recent weeks, not to be re-solicited:
Adam Strange: The Silver Age Vol. 1 TP
Batman: Shaman TP
Green Lantern: Kyle Raynor Vol. 3 TP
Sleeper Book Two TP
A few other shipping updates:
A Very DC Valentine’s Day TP (1/23-1/16)
Bob Layton’s Iron Man Artist Select HC (12/12-12/19)
Ms. Marvel Vol. 10 TP (3/6-3/27)
Sandman Omnibus Vol. 3 HC (3/6-3/27)
Will Eisner’s The Spirit: The Corpse Makers HC (12/19-12/12)
Farmhand Vol. 1 TP will see a price increase from $9.99 to $12.99.