It’s the “end” of the She-Hulk! At least, the end of the two-volume Masterworks set of her 1980 series! Conflict rages not just with She-Hulk and the many super-powered enemies we have in store, but between Jennifer Walters and She-Hulk! Our heroine’s two halves are in a battle for control as She-Hulk fights transforming back into Jen Walters, while Jen risks losing herself in the She-Hulk’s power. And each has their own separate romantic interest — it ain’t easy being green. It leads to a new status quo that will carry her into the decades of success ahead. Topping it off is a MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE adventure starring the Thing and She-Hulk by scribe David Anthony Kraft that tilts the green goliath towards her future comedic exploits.
Preview: Savage She-Hulk Masterworks Vol. 2 HC